5th Class Trip to Cabra Community College

Published by Broombridge ETNS on

5th Class Trip to CCC!

By Lucille McArdle

On the 29th of March 2023, 5th class visited Cabra Community College for an art lesson.

We got ready to go on our walk and everyone picked a buddy/partner to walk with. As soon as we arrived we walked into the art classroom.

We didn’t want to ruin our clothes so we put on some oversized aprons! The teacher’s name was James. James taught us how to make ‘plaster of paris’ by mixing warm water and a special type of chalky powder. He told us to mix it slowly so no air bubbles got in. We poured the mixture into the moulds and waited for them to dry. 

They didn’t dry on time, so James gave us some that he had made the day before. Soon after, we all went to the main hallway to take a group photo.

We prepared ourselves for the wet walk back to the school and found our partners.

We really enjoyed making the Easter themed plasters! 

Categories: Class News