Active School Flag Committee 2021-22
ASF Committee Campaign
With the upcoming ASF committee elections looming, all children at Broombridge ETNS have been given opportunities to create posters, speeches, badges and so on to convey why they think they should be elected as an ASF representative in their class. Two students from each class Junior Infants – Fourth Class will be elected to the ASF Committee. Each class will vote for two people who they think will be a great addition to the Active Schools effort in Broombridge ETNS.

Wednesday 26th January 2022: Active School Flag Committee Election Day
Our ASF Committee required much needed assistance from the students at Broombridge ETNS. Eira, Neil and Shannon B. organised an ASF Committee Election. Two children from each class will be voted onto the committee. On election day, each child will vote for two children who they believe have the best ideas for the ASF Committee and who they believe will be a great asset to the team.

ASF Committee
Eira, Neil and Shannon B. tallied the votes and announced the new ASF Committee during Assembly on Friday 28th January.
Our ASF Committee is now made up of Eira, Neil and Shannon B., as well as 19 students from Junior Infants – 4th Class. We will meet on Friday’s at lunch time to discuss our ideas, suggestions, goals and to represent our classmates. We are aiming to work super hard to obtain an Active School Flag at Broombridge ETNS!
Our Active School Committee will:
- Attend ASF Committee meetings.
- Represent classmates and their ideas/ suggestions.
- Encourage our peers and teachers to become more active in school, at home and in the community.
- Organise active events and activities throughout the school year.
- Manage sports equipment.
And much, much more!
Our First ASF Meeting
We held our first ASF meeting in Eira’s room 7 on 4th February 2022. During this meeting we discussed our responsibilities as ASF committee members. Shannon B. gave us each a copybook where we can write our classmates suggestions for how they would like to make Broombridge ETNS a more Active School. We can also write down our own ideas and suggestions and present these at future meetings. Our job now is to create and decide on an ASF slogan for our school.

ASF Meeting
At our ASF meeting on 04/03/2022, we decided on our Active Schools slogan suggested by Grace from Vikki’s class: “Exercise and time flies!” We agreed that this slogan is true to us at Broombridge ETNS as we enjoy exercising, especially with our friends. We think that time goes by quickly when we are exercising, especially during our P.E. lessons!!

We discussed how we want to make Broombridge ETNS more active throughout the day. We decided to begin this during our yard time. Each fortnight, the ASF Committee will choose a game that we will encourage the children to play on the yard. A special responsibility will be given to the children in 3rd and 4th class who will be asked to teach these new games to the children in Junior Infants and Senior Infants. These children will be called our Playground Helpers and will alternate from week to week. As a sign of thanks, each Playground Helper will receive a special certificate. We want to encourage play in the younger children and teach them how to play different games, learn how to take turns, create various roles in games etc. Our first ‘Game of the Fortnight’ is What Time is it Mr. Wolf? These games will be advertised on our ASF notice board and each class teacher will receive the instructions for the game. Teachers will be encouraged to practice these games during their P.E. time too.

Here you can see a photograph of Shannon B. explaining the job of Playground Helpers to the ASF Committee.