Active School Week 2023

Preparing for Active School Week 2023

We held some Active School Flag Committee meetings to discuss our upcoming Active School Week 2023. We discussed activities we would like to explore during the week. Our first decision was to inform everybody of when Active School Week 2023 was taking place so we decided to hold a poster competition! Each student designed their own poster and there were some prizes up for grabs too!

The winners of the poster competition were chosen and they received some sporty prizes and their posters were displayed throughout the school!


On Monday, we were joined by Eilis who gave us a fantastic gymnastics workshop! We worked on jumps, landing, cartwheels, tumbles and more. We were divided into four groups to work on these skills.


On Tuesday, we welcomed Stephen for his usual ballet classes. Second and third class enjoyed their rehearsals. We also welcomed Karolina for some outdoor Zumba! This was an excellent way to get active in the sunshine! All classes completed a Walkway challenge on Tuesday too.


On Wednesday we enjoyed a silent disco! Each class got to suggest songs they would like to hear and got to listen to these on the day. After lunch time we held our student vs. teachers event. The Active Flag Committee took on the staff members of Broombridge ETNS in a dodgeball competition!


On Thursday we we joined by Vlad from UCD Olympic Handball. This was a chance for most children to experience playing a new sport. The Student Council were working hard all week to organise a football tournament. Each class represented a country and the finale took place on DIT sports campus between Australia and Finland. Our whole school went to support the teams and in the end Finland were victorious!


On Friday we held our annual Sports Day. We took part in obstacle courses, 3-legged races, parachute games, penalty shootouts and more! Parents and guardians came to watch for part of the day and took part in some races.

All throughout the week we had active lines in the morning and we also completed Active Homework!