G.A.A. with Johnny
G.A.A. with Johnny 2021-22
We have been so lucky here at Broombridge ETNS to have G.A.A. coach Johnny with us every Friday for the last few months. Johnny is a brilliant coach from Naomh Fionnbarra in Cabra where lots of our students are members! Eira’s 2nd class are pictured here enjoying their lessons with Johnny. He taught them lots of football and hurling skills in a fun and engaging way. Their favourite game from their sessions was Rob the Nest!!
G.A.A. began on Friday 12th November for 2nd, 3rd and 4th Class.
G.A.A. will begin on Friday 21st January for both Junior Infant classes, both Senior Infant classes, Outreach 1 and 2, 1st class and 1st /2nd class.
Each class will have completed their G.A.A. sessions with Johnny by the Easter break!