Houses and Homes around the world in Saoirse’s 1st Class!!

Published by Broombridge ETNS on

First class have been busy bee’s over the past week, settling really well back into school after the Midterm Break. 
This month our theme is Homes & Houses. We have been learning about different types of houses in Ireland and around the world. We were really interested to learn about teepees, igloos, boathouses, stilt houses and many more! 
We have been looking at how houses were different in the past and we did a super job at spotting lots of differences in comparison to today’s houses. During playtime, we have been in role as the estate agents and the customers, buying and selling different house types. We constructed some fantastic farmhouses and semi-detached houses. We also decided to make some advertisements to place in our Estate Agents. Finally, we decided since we don’t use cash as much anymore, we best make some credit cards to pay for all these exciting properties. Next week, we will be using recycled materials to construct a house of our choice. We can’t wait to bring them home and show you our fantastic work 🙂 

Categories: Class News