Wellness Week at Broombridge!!
This week’s whole school theme is Wellbeing. We’d love to know what makes our pupils happy and relaxed at home, do you have any pictures or videos of what calms you or distracts you and puts a smile on your face? Do you love trampolining? Baking? Dancing? Art? Lego? Football?
Our staff have shared some of the activities they use in class for relaxation and some ideas you can try at home. Our teachers have sent some ideas in their weekly work packs and here are some more. Have a look….
Online Resources:
Belly Breathing with Elmo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mZbzDOpylA&app=desktop
Guided Meditation for Children https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bk_qU7l-fcU&feature=youtu.be
There’s a tonne of things to try on GoNoodle and Cosmic Kids Yoga too of course!
New things to make or do at home:
- Wellness Journal https://www.walkinmyshoes.ie/media/1956/wellness-journal-primary.pdf
- Breathing Exercise; SMELL A FLOWER, BLOW OUT A CANDLE. Hold your 2 hands up pretending to have a flower in one and candle in the other. Imagine you are smelling the flower breathing in deeply and then turn to the other hand and try to blow out your candle with a big long blow. file:///C:/Users/Kate/Downloads/TakeadeepbreathandcalmdownPosterSmelltheflowerBlowoutthecandle%20(1).pdf
- Make a Worry Bottle. Fill a bottle or jar with water, or baby oil, or a mixture of water and oil, hair gel, water and glycerin for good suspension, food colouring mixed in with whatever liquid you have and add in some glitter or beads or gems or a toy you like. You can even put metal items in and explore with a magnet once sealed. Shut firmly, or even better, glue to seal. Worry bottles can be very relaxing to observe.
- Take some time to create your own Happy Sensory Box: Design your own box (any box, shoe box works) with paint, stickers, sequins etc. Then fill things that bring you happiness/ relaxation from each of the senses if possible.
Smell – cloth sprayed with someone special’s perfume or just your fave scent.
Taste – can be another smell but of a food or pictures of favourite foods
Sight – photos or drawings of you, your families, friends, pets or messages from loved ones, etc
Touch – the feel of a texture you enjoy, this might even just be a soft toy or a piece of fabric or a fidget toy
Hearing – something that makes a noise you like or a CD or story you like to listen to
Add to your box as time goes on and you can use it as a tool you can use anytime you need a bit of chill time or cheering up!
I can’t wait to see and share with you all the amazing things you do to keep positive!
To complement our theme let’s start a ‘Comedian Kids Corner’ on our Facebook page, send all your jokes in to creativity@broombridgeetns.ie! Laughter is the best medicine so give us a giggle!
-What’s a rabbit’s favourite music?
Finally, let’s all have a whole school sing along together/kind of together! Have a listen to the songs linked below from the extremely popular and timely Toy Story. Send in a video recording of you singing along to the music to either or both songs (dress up outfits, props, toys, actions, instruments and silliness all highly welcome and encouraged!!) Email your video to us at creativity@broombridgeetns.ie by Friday at 6pm and I will put a video of all your contributions edited together for early next week to enjoy!
You’ve Got a Friend in Me Karaoke version- *** best version for singing along to while recording (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHBQveSWq4E
You’ve Got a Friend in Me with Lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zIYOJ_hSs0o
Strange Things with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71mbSgoxOY4
Strange Things instrumental https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3h6BdI_JnI0
It will be a great memory to look back on in the future and a fantastic fun way to see all our lovely friend’s and staff’s faces!
Enjoy the rest of your week!