Patterns, Blending and lot’s of fun in Patrick’s Senior Infants!!
We have been working very hard in Senior Infants this term.As you can see we are practising our cursive letters very carefully with playdoh. We are really making a big effort to keep our writing neat and tidy! We are really trying hard with our blending. We are able to blend four and five letter words now. Have a look at some of our blending. We matched the four and five letter words to their corresponding pictures.
We have been practising our patterns in Maths. We started off doing simple patterns that follow an AB format. We then completed trickier patterns like ABC, AAB, AABB, ABCC. Have a look at some of our awesome creations. In P.E this month we are practising throwing and catching. We got a partner and practised throwing a ball into a hoop. Our partner had to catch the ball on the first hop.
As Halloween is approaching we are doing lots of fun Halloween activities. We have created spooky witches from 2D shapes! We have also practised a lot of Halloween songs, some of which include ‘Five Little Pumpkins’ and ‘Five Little Ghosts’. We have also created spooky Halloween potions during Aistear time and created our own haunted houses. Have a look!