Physical Education
Physical Education Curriculum
The Primary P.E. Curriculum is made up of the following strands and strand units:

Figure 1:
For more information on the Primary, P.E. Curriculum go to
Physical Education Programmes
At Broombridge ETNS, we use a mixture of P.E. programmes to assist in the teaching and learning of Physical Education. We use Move Well, Move Often in accordance with the different class groupings, along with the Primary Schools’ Sports Initiative. Both programmes have excellent online resources which can be accessed here: Move Well, Move Often PSSI

Fundamental Movement Skills
There are fourteen different Fundamental Movement Skills as outlined by Move Well, Move Often. These FMS are walking, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, dodging, side stepping, landing, balancing, catching, throwing, kicking, striking with the hand and striking with an implement. Each month at Broombridge ETNS, we have a focus of one or two of these FMS. Through the exploration of these skills, it is hoped that each child will become physically literate and develop confidence and competence in their movement.
More information on FMS can be accessed here.

P.E. Yearly Overview
Our P.E. Yearly Overview gives teachers a guide to teaching Physical Education. It shows which Fundamental Movement Skill and which Curriculum Strand should be taught each month. This helps with the planning of P.E. lessons to ensure that students are practicing and developing all of their skills annually.