Playground Leaders

Four Playground Leaders will be chosen from 3rd and 4th class. New Playground Helpers are chosen every week. We recognise our Playground Helpers at yard time because they wear their Hi-Vis jackets.

What do our Playground Helpers do?

  • Teach games to Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st Class and 2nd Class.
  • Play with younger children.
  • Demonstrate how to take turns.
  • Introduce sports equipment to younger children.
  • Encourage new friendships.
  • Promote the concept of working as a team.
  • Help children who don’t know how to play or what to play.
  • Teach rules of games.
  • Play Game of the Fortnight in groups.
  • Help children to overcome issues with winning and losing.
  • Encourage leadership skills amongst children.