Stone Age and Sustainability in Kate’s 3rd Class!!

Published by Broombridge ETNS on

We had a busy week of work and fun in third class. 

We were learning about the Stone age and we did some Stone age art. We put sand paper under the table and we squished berries and drew with charcoal and sticks. 

We made our own dance routines in PE. It was very funny.

Jessica from GOAL talked to us on zoom about being Global Citizens and protecting the environment. We  learned how to save water and the animals by not throwing litter,pollution or plastic into the sea. We learned with Jessica about saving animals under water.

If you throw litter in the water then fish can get sick and sharks will have nothing to eat. If you over-fish the same thing will happen. We must be more sustainable. 

That’s all for now,

Elena, Juno and third class!


Categories: Class News